Trees Of Mystery

The Trees of Mystery is a tourist attraction that is hard to miss while traveling through the Redwood area along California’s US Hwy-101.  It’s hard to miss because visible from the road stands a 49 foot Paul Bunyan with his 35 foot sidekick, Babe the Blue Ox.


Many times I have passed by here and many times I have stopped for a photo of the huge Paul and his Ox.  Though this is my first visit into the park itself. I’m so happy that I planned enough time to actually visit this sweet spot because it was soooo fun. This place has all the makings of a nostalgic road trip stop but with more modern experiences like the Skytrail & Redwood Canopy Trail. 


 The Skytrail was my main motivation to stop this time around and it did not disappoint. In 2001 the aerial tram was opened to the public and is well known for the ⅓ mile ride up above the forest to allow a bird’s eye view of the Redwoods canopy below. When you arrive at the top there’s an observation deck where you can see the Pacific Ocean above the giant Redwoods. 


Even though I went mainly for the Skytrail, it was the newly opened Redwood Canopy Trail that thrilled and freaked me out and now that’s what I think of most as I write this post. I’m not afraid of heights but I am afraid of falling. Something about seeing through the well engineered rope netting made my heart start pounding and gave me a case of the sweats. I was feeling adrenaline spikes on and off the entire time I was on the trail. I even had to place my glasses on top of my head because the bi-focal added unneeded stress. I know I may sound like a scaredy cat, and I was, but I absolutely loved every minute of this trail once it was all over with.  The trail has 8 suspension bridges with 10 platforms and ranges anywhere from 50-100 feet above the ground. 

When I saw this pic, I was amazed at the color…….

The trail leading up to both of these experiences was lined with some beautiful and huge Redwood trees. The Tall Tails trail at the end was filled with many chainsaw sculptures and this entire area that left me with that nostalgic feeling from road trips of my youth. I had a blast on this day.


There’s a little voice in my head saying to me, this will not be my only visit here. I have a feeling I’ll be back on that Redwood Canopy Trail, sweaty as hell for sure.


15500 US Hwy-101

Klamath, Ca


$11-$20 Includes all Trails & Activities


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