“THE” Larch Mountain


Sugarpine Drive-In

Troutdale, Oregon

On the banks of the Sandy River in the Columbia River Gorge town of Troutdale, Oregon sits the Sugarpine Drive-In. This little Drive-In is worthy of a post, simply because I can’t stop thinking about how delightful the “Larch Mountain” tasted. I’ve been wanting to stop by this place for a few years. I have been drawn in by all the social media postings of awesome looking food. Though, it was always the ice cream pics that really grabbed me. I’ve been carrying around a severe case of ice cream envy for far too long. Today was the day. Not only will I get to taste the Larch Mountain, I’ll also get to take my own special picture of this beloved ice cream. This is a good day!!

I pull in the drive-thru, place my order, then within a few moments, I finally have it. I finally have my very own Larch Mountain. Woohoo. The visuality of this paper cup of ice cream brings me joy. I quickly snap a few pictures (I hope they turn out) and then I dig in. I am so happy with every bite and bummed out when the cup ran dry.  

The pine nut honeycomb is my favorite.

The pine nut honeycomb is my favorite.

After finishing the ice cream, the rest of my meal was delivered to the car. Gahhh…..Eating ice cream made me forget about my actual meal. The “Waffle” Grilled Cheese I ordered  was yummy, and it was the perfect dessert to my Larch Mountain.

The Larch Mountain....vanilla and chocolate swirl soft serve, brown butter blondies, blueberry-lavender sauce and pine nut honeycomb crunch
— Sugarpine Drive-In menu


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