What Is AgeTrippin?

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What is AgeTrippin?

This AgeTrippin blog is about me trippin out about my age. This one simple line encompasses so many meanings for me. The first reason I’m trippin is because of the obvious, I’m over 50 and it has occurred to me that I may not have another 50 years of breaths left in me. The next reason I’m trippin is because I enjoy taking trips. People may use the word vacation but I prefer the word TRIP.  The word trip has been defined as “a journey or voyage”. Where as the word vacation has been defined as “a period of exemption from work granted for an employee”.  See what I mean? The word “Trip” is the superior word to use here. The third reason I’m trippin is all about food.  I love food! I love to prepare it, I enjoy the smell of it, and without a doubt, I like to eat it. Once I decided mid morning to take a three hour drive from Portland to Seattle just to get the ‘best burger in the country’ at the time. Who doesn’t make a six hour road trip just for one burger is what I want to know? Get it? I like food and I like when food has a trip in the mix. The last reason I’m trippin is because of my family and all the memories I have of my own childhood and of raising my children. Basically I’m just trippin over how fast time seems to pass. I’m trippin over good times & trippin over hard times. Life is just one long trip.

This AgeTrippin blog may be categorized as a travel blog, a lifestyle blog, maybe a food blog from time to time. Call it whatever you want to call it, I really don’t care what label you slap on it. I will share my life’s good fortune, because I am grateful for what I have and for what I get to enjoy……………..my life is good. AND, just because I’m over 50 doesn’t mean my life is over, it’s just beginning, plus I’m still young enough to enjoy it.


Documenting my best in travel, food, & family.


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